-- This script was generated by a beta version of the ERD tool in pgAdmin 4. -- Please log an issue at https://redmine.postgresql.org/projects/pgadmin4/issues/new if you find any bugs, including reproduction steps. BEGIN; CREATE SEQUENCE sq_dbrole; CREATE SEQUENCE sq_dbtableaccess; CREATE SEQUENCE sq_dbuser; CREATE SEQUENCE sq_dbuserrole; CREATE SEQUENCE sq_dbentity; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.dbrole ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('sq_dbrole'), name character varying, description text, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.dbtableaccess ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('sq_dbtableaccess'), tableaccess character varying(255), dbrole_id integer, userrolerestrictions character varying(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.dbuser ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('sq_dbuser'), login character varying(255) UNIQUE, password character varying(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.dbuserrole ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('sq_dbuserrole'), dbuser_id integer, dbentity_id integer, dbrole_id integer, startdate timestamp without time zone, enddate timestamp without time zone, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public.dbentity ( id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('sq_dbentity'), type character varying(255), parent_id bigint, description text, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); END;